I thank you, For all the little kindnesses You show me each and every day For your limitless patience In the face of my too numerous faults For trying so hard to put a smile on my face When you’re too exhausted to cry For reaching out through your pain To offer me Hope when I’ve lost mine For never failing to remind me Of the true meaning of Love
I thank you, For taking the time to understand me Where so many have failed before For having the courage to love me When it would make more sense to walk away For giving meaning to a life I had almost given up on For helping to carry my load When yours is already so overwhelming For guiding me to the Light When I feared all was lost
I thank you, For holding me on those long nights When no one else would For accompanying me on every step Of all those unforgiving miles For your encouragement to go on my quest That will allow me to find peace For all your tenderness and caring That will finally heal my wounds For offering me a life full of magic With You
I thank you, For all the little kindnesses You show me each and every day For your limitless patience In the face of my too numerous faults For trying so hard to put a smile on my face When you’re too exhausted to cry For reaching out through your pain To offer me Hope when I’ve lost mine For never failing to remind me Of the true meaning of Love
I thank you, For taking the time to understand me Where so many have failed before For having the courage to love me When it would make more sense to walk away For giving meaning to a life I had almost given up on For helping to carry my load When yours is already so overwhelming For guiding me to the Light When I feared all was lost
I thank you, For holding me on those long nights When no one else would For accompanying me on every step Of all those unforgiving miles For your encouragement to go on my quest That will allow me to find peace For all your tenderness and caring That will finally heal my wounds For offering me a life full of magic With You
Poetry eCard filled with love and gratitude for your wife or girlfriend who deserves recognition for the understanding, guidance, tenderness and meaning and encouragement she gives to you.
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