Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


How do you say thank you
To someone that always shares,
That opens up their heart
And let's you know they care?

That's always there for you,
Come rain or shine,
And glad to lift you up,
When they don't have the time....


That talks you through,
The hardest of things,
And wants more of you,
Just for the joy that it brings....

And when you're down
They lift you up,
And when you have a good day,
They're there to fill up your cup....


How do you thank
Someone so sweet?
What do you say to
Someone that's so neat?

I want more for you,
More than I can even give,
But I will cherish our moments,
For as long as I live!


Thank you for the sweetness,
And your loving heart...
That you opened up to me
From the very start!

I will never forget you,
As long as I live
And I want, so much,
To return to you
The love that you give!


Thank you!

Thank You - Thank You Is Not Enough...


Poetry eCard thanking your sweetheart for sharing, caring, cheering you up when needed, and their love.

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