Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


A shot for love again,
there, electricity that did not stray
because our love's passion
inside us, still does lay.

A fire and crackle
that I see so quietly in your eyes -
a shot for love again,
secretly I hid the chill
that ran through my soul.

A shot for love again,
to rekindle the chemistry
we did not forget,
nor can we ever undo;
the feelings that lay
between me and you.

What I could not say,
what I could not speak,
I hid my feelings -
did not want you to see...
how you still have a grip on me.

A shot for love again,
I cannot deny,
you make it hard on me -
the things we did,
you and me.

A shot for love again,
nothing can replace,
your special touch,
still gives me a certain rush.

Reconciliation - A Shot For Love Again


Poetry eCard describing passion never lost and seeing a shot for love again.

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