Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


My head is spinning,
The world's going round,
Something new is beginning,
Something new has been found.

This mystery has no fault,
This mystery is no mistake,
The journey was put to halt,
The flight I shall not make.

Head spinning wildly,
This all happened so fast,
Love is none too mildly
Forming in my shadow's cast.

Watching the new day,
Seeing this all come true,
I'm lost in fields where I lay;
Lying in the fields with you.

We gaze to the stars,
My head spinning and spinning,
We know that the moment is ours,
We've found a brand new beginning.

Reconciliation - A New Beginning


Poetry eCard finding a new beginning in a relationship that was on it's way out and amazement at the renewal of love.

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