Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


A lost entity, no longer
Because you returned to me my soul,
And when I gave it back to you,
I felt, "This is what makes me whole."

An empty heart is all I saw,
Then you handed me my core,
And when I gave it back to you,
I felt, "This is what makes me more."

A paralyzed passion is now alive,
You gave me back your love,
And when I returned it back to you,
I knew it fit me like a glove.

A hopeless faith no longer exists,
You've earned my faithful trust,
And when I gave it back to you,
I discovered this is a "must."

You filled me and completed me,
Made me all that I can be,
I would love to give this back to you,
It is all that makes me "see."

Gratitude is not enough to give,
For you to understand,
I need to follow, for once, my path,
Please come and take my hand.

Reconciliation - Complete


Poetry eCard for Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Husband or Wife, describing finding trust, passion, love, and completeness again with a partner that you have come back to.

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Last sent on 23rd Mar 2025.

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