Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


Falling in love with you,
No turning back,
Finally I feel
Like my life is on track.

Your love affects me
Like nothing I've seen,
Nothing will part us,
Let nothing between.


With you everything
Just falls into place,
Being with you,
I love to feel your embrace.

With you all time stops,
No cares on this earth,
I can never tell you enough
How much you are worth.


I feel your heart beat
With each breath that you take,
Each time you touch me,
My knees start to quake.

The light of the moon
And the stars can't compare
To my love for you,
To you only I'll share.


I think about you
Day in and day out,
I finally know now
What love is all about.

The moments I'm with you
I can not explain,
These feelings for you
I can not contain.


Please tell me you'll love me
Til the end of your days,
I want you to know
You set my heart ablaze.

You are the air that I breathe
And without you I'd die,
To be with you for always
Is on what I rely.


My heart wants to explode
From these feelings brand new,
It's covered in love
Like the fresh morning dew.

It's filled with desire
To love you forever,
It's want is to hold you,
And let go, I'll never!


I'll never stop loving you,
I'll never forsake,
Even the thought
Makes my soul start to ache.

I'll be here for you
Until all time will end,
My lover, my soul mate,
My very best friend.

New Love - You


Poetry eCard expressing falling in love with him and how he affects your life.

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