Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


Laying in bed at night,
I always think about you,
You can always make me happy and smile,
And that's one reason I love you.

If I could tell you how wonderful you are,
I would have to go on forever,
There are too many things I would have to say,
So I couldn't stop...never.

Being loved by you is a privilage,
And that's why I cherish you,
I don't think I coud ever leave,
No matter what you do.

I don't think you will ever hurt me,
Or break my heart in two,
I have been through it and I know you understand,
Because you were in love before too.

I think God sent you to me.
So that we could each have someone there,
He knew I would love you and you would love me,
No matter how far or near.

Love - You


Poetry eCard for Boyfriend or Husband. A heartfelt declaration of love for your partner, letting them know how you think of them and cherish them.

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