Overwhelmingly incredibly blessed,
what else could it be?
This perfect partnership have we,
A giving of complete respect.
A gift of each other we give.
Unselfish unconditional love we share.
An exchanging of hearts
A merging of souls,
A commitment of love
The utmost of values to uphold.
To many, only a dream to behold
To many, beyond comprehension,
For us, no words have real description.
Only you and I know
this extraordinary Love.
Overwhelmingly incredibly blessed,
don't you agree, my love?
Overwhelmingly incredibly blessed,
what else could it be?
This perfect partnership have we,
A giving of complete respect.
A gift of each other we give.
Unselfish unconditional love we share.
An exchanging of hearts
A merging of souls,
A commitment of love
The utmost of values to uphold.
To many, only a dream to behold
To many, beyond comprehension,
For us, no words have real description.
Only you and I know
this extraordinary Love.
Overwhelmingly incredibly blessed,
don't you agree, my love?
595 peoples have sent this. Last sent on 27th May 2024.
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