Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


I had a vision of what true love would be,
As I searched in the days of my youth,
I felt it was caring and sharing,
And giving and loving and truth.

I saw it at home with my mum and my dad,
For they never argued and rowed,
They loved and respected each other,
Of them I was ever so proud.

Theirs was the example I carved in my heart
As my quest for true love began.
There were times when I thought I had found it,
But it didn't quite fit in my plan.


As years rolled on by, I held onto my dream,
For I knew I must not let it go,
Because, in my heart, I believed I would find,
True love that I'd been looking for.

Then one day you came to me out of the blue,
Like a goddess from heaven above,
And when I look into your beautiful eyes,
I know that you're my own true love.

Now I've reached the autumn of this life of mine,
But I feel to be living in spring,
For your love has brought back the days of my youth,
And, Sweetheart, you're my everything.


Your love is the truest that I've ever known,
It's so sweet and so gentle and fine,
And here in my heart I will tend it with care,
And your love with mine will entwine.

Into my life you've brought love and romance,
And goodness and beauty and light,
And my heart has never felt this way before,
On the wings of true love it takes flight.

My darling I love you more every day
It's you that I always think of,
And we'll have each other forever, my dear,
For we have both found our true love.

Love - True Love


Poetry eCard for Girlfriend, or Wife. This poem is about the search for true love as seen in parents while growing up, and then finding it later in life and declaring it to the one you truly love.

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