Send some Love 💓
Thu, 6th Mar 2025


Once upon a time, in the land of my dream
There was a young Knight who searched for his Queen
He followed his quest and he searched all lands through
He searched for his love, he knew would be true.

She has eyes like diamonds, yet dark and so deep
The window of her soul, shows a beauty so sweet
She has hair like an angel, both raven and long
She brings to my heart, love's simple song.

He sought out a wizard, to conjure a spell,
To find this fair princess, that in his heart dwells.
He begged this magician, by all that is right,
Find me my love, my soul's true delight.

She has beauty unequaled, by all in all time,
Her soul is so perfect, it must be with mine,
The wizard did tell him, that this lady he loved,
Was not a mere princess, but an angel from above.

He said all the magic I have in my power
Cannot make this perfection, in any number of hours
He said you should ask for the heavens to send
One of God’s perfect creatures, for your quest to end.

So he prayed long and hard, for 40 long years
He knelt and he begged, and cried many tears.
And finally God looked, at a love that was true
And released from his heaven, a creature like you.

I am that Knight, who sought long and true,
I searched an eternity, just to find you.
You are my Princess, whom I dearly love.
Sent down to me from the heavens above.

I will hold and protect you from life’s many troubles
I will shield your soul, and give love that doubles,
Each day of my life, that I spend with you,
Is likened to heaven, with an Angel it’s true.

To you I will give, all the love that I have,
I will cherish, and honour, as long as live.
And then someday, when death doth make us part,
I will wait in your heaven, for you have my heart.

In heaven, the story shall go on forever
Of a love that is perfect and never will waiver.
For you are my angel, sent down from above,
To have and to hold, and forever to love.

Love - Once Upon a Dream


Poetry eCard story about the seach for true love and finding it. For girlfriend or wife.

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