Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


Silent Communication,
A look, a smile, a touch,
A promise of things to come,
But, within the soft, slow exchange of a kiss
Lies the promise of something deeper
Expectations that the best is yet to be.


Not a word need be said,
For with the exchange of lips
Can come an exchange of minds.
Silent communication,
Or fireworks exploding within,
Starbursts in myriad colors,
Diffused and permeating our bodies
With their expanding warmth.


The gift of a kiss
Is a silent exchange,
No ribbons or wrapping paper required;
The only wrapping is of our arms
Around each other,
As we communicate so much, unspoken.

Kisses - Unspoken


Poetry eCard romantically setting up the kiss; beatifully describing the silent communication that goes with it!

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Last sent on 20th Jan 2025.

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