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Tue, 25th Mar 2025

Kiss & Makeup Day
(Monday - August 25, 2025)

Today is a good day to end the quarrels, the arguments, the fights and make up with those from whom you are distanced because of it. Kiss and Make Up Day is observed annually on August 25th. Similar to April 2nd - Reconciliation Day, Kiss and Make Up Day gives us a chance to make amends. Each one of us has had a fight with a loved one at some point in our lives. Whether it is between you and a friend, family member, neighbor or co-worker, after time has passed you remember the cause? Was it your fault? Was it their fault? Was it anyone’s fault? Do you want the discord to go on any longer? That is probably the most important question of all. Let’s find a way to resolve the differences and celebrate with a new start on Kiss and Make Up Day!
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