Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


Let's have a magical halloween,
One made special for you and I,
The brightest silvery moon aglow
Bright stars twinkling in the sky.

One treat after another to share,
Sharing our Halloween in style
Surrounded with spicy candles,
Jack O'Lantern wearing a smile.


We’ll await till the darkness falls,
A moonlit floor to dance upon,
On the night seductively inviting,
Beneath every star that shone.

Both dressed for this occasion,
Embraced as stars shine down,
You in your black velvet tuxedo,
Me in my soft red velvet gown.


In magical spells of Halloween,
All staged romantically for two,
Spending the night in your arms,
Both tasting love potion's brew

Halloween - Love Potion's Brew


Poetry eCard for Boyfriend, Husband. Romantically sharing Halloween together!

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Last sent on 25th Oct 2024.

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