Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


I ask you for forgivness;
For what?
I really do not know,
I ask you for understanding;
As to why?
We never had a chance to grow

Emotions overflowing;
Everything moving so fast,
Making my world a blur,
Everything with you felt so right,
so beautiful, and then just like that,
It was over

It was over -
Really just what was "it"
That was never meant to last?
I was living in the moment
Under a spell from which
Your beauty cast

Two people that shared
A few precious moments in time together,
We shared too much, too fast
None of which I regret, whatsoever

It was over; I think not,
Maybe a new beginning to an abrupt end
A new chance for us
To enjoy a new friend

Footprints left in the sand
Can be made by anyone wherever, whenever,
Footprints left in the heart
Made by a friend lasts forever

Two people so perfect for each other
Two birds of the same feather
Friends first was our promise
Friends we will remain together

Friendship - Friends First


Poetry eCard about a relationship that feels like it will become love, becomes instead a friendship.

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Last sent on 27th May 2024.

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