Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


I only want to love you
To be all that you need
To hold you when you're lonely
And be your sweet relief

I only want to show you
That you're so wonderful
That you are an angel
And indescribable


I only want to know you
To be your everything
To be your snowy winter
Your autumn and your spring

I only want to find you
When this earth gets so gray
I want to be beside you
Kiss the pain all away


I only want to see you
Where you only want to be
I only want to give you
All that you want and need

I only want to assure you
When moments get so bleak
When mornings are cloudy
And when you are weak


I only want to you let you
Be the man that you can be
Do the things you desire
And find the things you need

I only want to keep you
For all eternity
To be the one to love you
And give you all you need


I only want to see you smile
I hate to see you frown
Crying makes me broken
Your sadness brings me down

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It happens all the time
I'm sorry because I love you
I can't stop, even if I tried


Hurting you, it breaks me
You know I cry all night?
Just wishing there was something
I could do to make you smile

I wish there was something
That I could do
I really love you, Baby
But I'm always hurting you!


Sorry won't ever do it
Trying takes too long
Wish I could erase the pains
And all of my wrongs

I only want to love you
To be all that you need
To hold you when you're lonely
And be your sweet relief


I only want to show you
That you're so wonderful
That you are an angel
And indescribable

I only want to know you
To be your everything
To be your snowy winter,
Your autumn, and your spring

Forgiveness - I Only Want To...


Poetry eCard Husband or Boyfriend telling him what you want to be for him and apologizing for hurting him.

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Last sent on 22nd Nov 2024.

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