Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


You said you would always love me,
But I knew from the start...
Give you just a little time,
You'll throw away my heart.

Even though I knew this
I couldn't resist the charm
I thought I would give you a shot...
What could be the harm?

Seven years later, I am in love
I was wrong from the start
I gave you just a little time
you still showcase my heart

You dealt with my trust issues
Like no other had before
When I'd try to push you back
You'd say you loved me more.

My life had complications
you helped me understand
Without all my past roadblocks
I'd have never found your hand.

So here is what I am saying
My life without you
Would be like it was before
Sad and cold and blue

Thank you for this life
Thank you for the kids
Thanks for making me your wife
Look at what we did.

I love you!

For Your Husband - You Loved Me


Poetry eCard for Husband, letting him know that you now truly believe that he will always love you. Also, thanking him for the kids and for making you his wife.

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Last sent on 22nd Jan 2025.

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