Send some Love 💓
Wed, 26th Mar 2025


Your hand was always there to hold,
Your smile was always mine,
Your words were never silent,
But I never saw the sign.

Your heart had opened up the door,
And let me peek inside,
Your eyes had gazed upon my face
I never saw you hide.

Your patience and your sentiment,
Were buried, but in view,
You offered out your friendship
I never saw the truth.

You hid beyond a veil of hope,
Shadowed, masked inside
The words upon your gentle lips
I never saw your pride.

You hovered in the background,
Like a breeze appearing when,
Your need to capture moments came,
I never saw them, then.

How could my eyes have missed your smile,
How could I never see
The endless times and hoping
That had always been for me.
How could I search for what was here,
And never know its core,
So much was given out to me,
And yet, I never saw.

Desired Love - I Never Saw


Poetry eCard. This poem describes a friendship with unseen, unspoken signs of love, now realized.

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