Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


You're always there
to lend me your hand
You are my crutch
when I cannot stand
You're everything
that I need you to be
You are my love,
this I hope you see


You are my hope
when I've lost the will
You were with me then
and you're with me still
You are my light
when I cannot see
You're the heart and soul
that rests in me

You're my blanket
that keeps me warm at night
You're the one I need
to make this right
You are my strength
when I feel so weak
You are my voice
when I struggle to speak


You're always there
no matter the pain
With you by my side
I need nothing more to gain
You are my air
when I cannot breathe
You in my arms
is all that I need

So when I say
I need you by my side
I hope you'll stay
and come along for the ride
You are the beauty
that I need in my life
So I shout to the heavens
to make you my wife


Should you ever need help
in a later time
Know that my mind
can do more than rhyme
I'll help you
in any way that I can
Because you are my woman,
and I am your man

Couples - You


Poetry eCard for Girlfriend. A heartfelt poem describing how much you love and appreciate her and what she does for you.

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