Send some Love 💓
Mon, 3rd Mar 2025


Come dream with me
as we dance in the moonlight
under a starlit sky.
Let the music lead you
to secret places
as you draw me even closer.


Let my fingers trail
the atlas of your face
to your lips -
where I might find
a kiss for every star
and a sigh for every ocean.


Erotic fragrances fill the air
like perfumes of the universe
they bathe my soul
with their intoxicating scent.
My hair drifts between your fingers
like tendrils of gossamer
as my lips brush against your cheek.


My breath, now ragged -
my heart beating wildly
my eyes wide with wonder
as I wait
to feel your mouth
caress my shaking shoulders.

Couples - Come Dance with Me


Poetry eCard for your lover, inviting them to share a romantic, sensual dance with you.

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